Building the Beloved Community: Repairing the World

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On June 28th, 2020 the Naperville Interfaith Leaders Association held a prayer service to call for racial justice and interfaith solidarity. The “Building the Beloved Community: Repairing the World” event was held at the Millennium Carillon on the Naperville Riverwalk. All were welcome, as leaders and community members of many faiths and organizations across the Naperville area led prayers and spoke to provide hope and a guiding light in the fight to end discrimination.

Speakers during “Building the Beloved Community: Repairing the World” included Rev. Jessica Scholten, River Glen Presbyterian Church; Dr. Rizwan Ali, Imam at the Islamic Center of Naperville; Clarissa Sigale, Congregation Beth Shalom; Rev. Dr. James F. Miller, DuPage AME Church; Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji, Priest and Spiritual Leader of the Chicagoland Sikh Community; Anu Malhotra, Hindu Priestess and President of Mindful Meditation Yoga; Dr. Frank Lewis, member of the Naperville Baha’i Community; Chari Rosales, Director of Adult Formation, St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Parish; Regina Brent, President of the Unity Partnership; and Diane Hewitt, President, Indivisible DuPage and Team Illinois for Equity & Reform.

About the Naperville Interfaith Leaders Association

The Naperville Interfaith Leaders Association (NILA) is a group of religious leaders from a variety of religious traditions in the Naperville area including: Protestant and Catholic Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Baha’i, Hindu, Buddhist, and Humanist. The Association is committed to developing relationships with religious leaders in our community, learning about other religious traditions, meeting community leaders who relate to religious organizations, creating an atmosphere of understanding and respect for one another, and working together on common concerns. NILA meets monthly at 11:30 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month from September to May with the exception of December.

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