Naperville Municipal Band – Forward March: A Salute to Illinois

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Not only will you get great musical performances at every Naperville Municipal Band concert, but sometimes, you get a little bit of local history thrown in to boot! The Naperville Municipal Band: Forward March: A Salute to Illinois performs several numbers, all centered around the history of the Land of Lincoln.

For instance, at one time, Naperville was the County Seat of DuPage. Now Wheaton is. How that came to be is a story that still stirs the ire of many a Napervillian, and Mistress of Ceremonies Ann Lord tells the tale in a light-hearted way as an introduction to Franz VonSuppe’s “The Jolly Robbers Overture.” Stay tuned to the end for some shade thrown to Naperville’s neighbors to the north.

That story, and several other numbers, pays tribute to the history of the great state of Illinois in “Forward March: A Salute to Illinois.”

Join the Naperville Municipal Band every Thursday evening at 7:30 pm in Central Park in Downtown Naperville through August 16th. All performances are free to the public; no tickets needed for any performance.