NNHS Bands & Orchestras Winter Symphony

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Naperville CUSD 203 presents the NNHS Bands & Orchestra Winter Symphony concert under the band direction of Kevin Dobbeck and Keith Pitner and Orchestra direction by Jeffrey M. Stergeon.

The NNHS Bands and Orchestra Winter Symphony program included:

  • Bella Corda
  • NNHS and Advanced Orchestras
  • Symphonic Orchestra
  • Symphonic Wind Ensemble

Congratulations to the District and All State Performers!

About NNHS Bands and Orchestra

The Fine Arts Department at Naperville North High School is founded on the conviction that academics and the arts are equally important to student development and achievement. North’s comprehensive Fine Arts offerings are integrated throughout the academic curriculum and various student activity organizations – motivating students with a variety of learning styles to succeed in high school and pursue higher education. The plethora of Fine Arts opportunities at North maintain our commitment to providing a rigorous arts education for all students while providing quality art for the Naperville Community.

​Music offerings are designed to develop in all students: the professional practices of a working musician; the kinesthetic aspects of music making; the skills necessary to be savvy consumers of music; to perform, produce and analyze the language of music; to be self-motivated collaborators in pursuit of group oriented goals; and, lifelong skills that can enhance career and personal potentials.

Naperville 203

Naperville 203 Community Unit School District mission is to educate students to be self-directed learners, collaborative workers, complex thinkers, quality producers, and community contributors.

Naperville Community Unit School District 203 believes an exemplary school district…
  • Values the dignity and uniqueness of each individual
  • Promotes responsible citizenship
  • Is the result of a collective partnership of students, staff, parents and community.

Upcoming Concert

Winter Jazz Concert

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2020
  • NNPAC – 7:00PM

To watch other school performances from our community visit NCTV17.com.