Dating and Relationships

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Finding Love

When it comes to dating and relationships, it can be a lot of fun but also overwhelming in this day and age.  For some, finding and keeping love has been easy.  For others, not so much.  In this episode of “Dana Being Dana,” some friends and lifestyle coaches join Dana to help viewers navigate the trials and tribulations of the dating world, from setting expectations to online matchmaking to getting over heartbreak.
“Falling love can be scary but I believe that it’s worth it because falling in love is the best feeling in the world,” says Dana Michelle.
“You have to be safe where online dating and anything online can be so easily manipulated,” says relationship coach Dr. Paden Quincy.  “But [it’s] a great tool to use if it’s used well.”
“I’m looking for someone that’s going to accept me for who I am because that’s the only person I know how to be and somebody who I can accept who they are,” says Cissy Whitfield.  “I’ve got to take their good with their bad.”

About Dana

Dana Davenport is a Naperville resident who is passionate about life.  Originally from the northern suburbs of Chicago, she is now a Naperville resident and a graduate of Spelman College and the University of Chicago Law School.  An attorney and mother, Dana divorced in 2015, unleashing a new lease on life.  She has a live radio show on on Wednesdays at 9pm and is excited to bring that show to television audiences on Naperville Community Television each month.

Previously, Dana has appeared on “He Said She Said” with Wanda Bee, “The Drive at 5” with Roman, and “Jaw Jackin” with Bob and T.C., and she was a relationship advisor on the “Gift of Gab Show” with Gabby Smith.