In this episode, Dana Davenport along with her friends Alexis Dunne, Tiffany McQueen Lewis, and Debra J. Koopmann discuss showing up for your friends; what it means to them personally, how it can be difficult, and why it’s so important.
“Sometimes it means emotionally being there and sometimes it means physically being there,” says Lewis. “It means being really present when your friend really needs you.”
These friends share stories and examples of crucial times in their lives when they needed others. From showing up for a husband’s cancer diagnosis to parents passing away unexpectedly to a miscarriage.
“A couple of my friends said, ‘We’re meeting you at your house,’ They brought sushi. They brought wine.” said Dunne. “They helped me get the kids to bed and we just sat around and talked.”
Dana and her guests don’t claim to be experts but do hope to leave viewers encouraged or inspired. After all, we all go through trying times in our lives once in awhile in which we could use some support.
“I encourage you to show up for others in your village because that’s what we need more of these days,” says Davenport.
About Dana
Dana Davenport is a Naperville resident who is passionate about life. Originally from the northern suburbs of Chicago, she is now a Naperville resident and a graduate of Spelman College and the University of Chicago Law School. An attorney and mother, Dana divorced in 2015, unleashing a new lease on life. She has a live radio show on on Wednesdays at 9pm and is excited to bring that show to television audiences on Naperville Community Television each month.
Previously, Dana has appeared on “He Said She Said” with Wanda Bee, “The Drive at 5” with Roman, and “Jaw Jackin” with Bob and T.C., and she was a relationship advisor on the “Gift of Gab Show” with Gabby Smith.