Remote working is the topic of the day, so President and CEO of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Kaylin Risvold sits down with Elliot Hershik, General Manager at Supporting Strategies | Chicago Far West Suburbs, to discuss the positives and negatives of working remotely and what managing your business from a distance can look like.
Communication From Different Locations
Remote work is new to some but common for others, and though it is different from working in the same space that doesn’t mean you can’t have business as usual. “There’s a lot of communication that needs to happen, sometimes the office is across three different time zones,” said Hershik. “There’s all kinds of communication that has to go on though. We have the weekly formal manager meeting where we get to talk about what’s going on in the business. Then we have the ambush call, when you call to just see how they’re doing today, what’s going on, did your son pass the drivers exam? That sort of conversation, things you would have in an office environment where you just run in to someone.”
“It’s kind of like creating the culture right?” added Risvold. Just as a business owner or manager would be responsible for the workplace in office, they are also responsible for workplace culture when working remotely. What kind of interactions are you having with your employees or coworkers to inform the culture of working together, separately? It can make a world of difference.
Watch More Episodes of “Inside the Chamber”
You can remote watch more episodes on today’s top business trends and issues, especially as they affect Naperville. To find out more about how the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce is driving economic growth through active engagement and advocacy for the business community, visit its website.