City Buildings Reopen
Naperville city buildings reopened to the public today. The City of Naperville had closed down public access to its public safety campus as of January 3 and the Municipal Center as of January 5 due to rising COVID-19 numbers. With metrics still high, the city says online options are available for those more comfortable conducting business from afar. Assistance can be found through the city’s online help center or by calling (630) 420-6111.
National Blood Crisis
The American Red Cross has announced that the country is experiencing its worst blood shortage in over a decade. Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, the group says it has seen a 10% overall drop in blood donations. In recent weeks there has been less than a one-day supply of critical blood types. The Red Cross is incentivizing donors by entering anyone who gives blood in January into a drawing for Super Bowl LVI tickets and a paid trip to the game, as well as a chance to win a home-theater package. Versiti Blood Center of Illinois is offering a $20 egift card to anyone who gives blood by January 17. To qualify, sign up online and enter SNOW in the online notes. And at Vitalant, anyone who donates blood in January will be entered into a drawing to win one of four $5,000 prepaid gift cards. January is National Blood Donor Month.
D204 Drivers Ed Fee Hike
The Indian Prairie School District 204 Board of Education voted unanimously Monday to approve an increase to the district’s driver education fee. The change to the current $350 fee will be introduced in $25 increments over the next three school years, reaching its max of $425 during the 2024-2025 school year. The district will continue to waive or reduce the fee for eligible students.
Bettye Wehrli Memorial Scholarship
The Fort Payne Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has created the Bettye Wehrli Memorial Scholarship. It’s in memory of the long-time Napervillian who died in June 2021, but left behind an indelible mark on the city through her many avenues of service. Wehrli endowed $2,000 for this one-time scholarship. It’s open to high school seniors from Naperville School District 203, Indian Prairie School District 204 and Benet Academy. Applicants must write a 1,000 word essay on the importance of the U.S. Constitution, a document dear to Wehrli’s heart. Applications are due by March 1. Mor information is available on the Fort Payne DAR Facebook page.
St. Paddy’s Day 5K
Registration is now open for the 13th annual Naperville Sunrise Rotary St. Paddy’s Day 5K Run, held in cooperation with the West Suburban Irish. After two years of being held virtually, the event is now back in person in Downtown Naperville. It kicks off at 8 a.m. on March 12, right before the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Participants are encouraged to go green, fun and festive when selecting their running gear, with costume awards up for grabs. Proceeds from the event will benefit Family Shelter Services, Project Help and NAMI DuPage. More information is available on the run’s website.