COVID-19 Surge | In-Person Learning | Community Job Fair

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COVID-19 Surge

The City of Naperville COVID-19 dashboard shows that the number of active cases in Naperville has now topped 4,000. 4,006 were reported as of January 5, a record high. Edward Hospital in Naperville reported its own high for that same day of 120 inpatients with confirmed cases. Available data shows that of those, 64 were not vaccinated, 36 were vaccinated, and four were partially vaccinated. No COVID-19 related deaths have been reported there over the past 48 hours, and there are 5 fewer inpatients with COVID-19 reported there today. As of January 2, the seven-day rolling positivity average for Will County was 22.2%, with DuPage County at 20.1% according to data from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Vaccination data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows 67.5% of those eligible in Will County are fully vaccinated, with 78% in DuPage County.

In-Person Learning

The DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) in cooperation with the Regional Office of Education sent a letter to area schools this week reaffirming its support for in-person learning, as long as layered prevention strategies remain in place. Naperville School District 203 returned to in-person classes today following winter break, and Indian Prairie School District 204 returns on Monday, January 10. Superintendents for both districts released letters to the community asking for all to be watchful for any COVID-19 symptoms and to keep children home if any are spotted. Both also noted that the CDC guidance, which shortens isolation time from ten to five days, does not currently apply to schools. The DCHD said that updated guidance for schools from the CDC and IDPH is expected soon in regards to quarantine and exclusion requirements for students and staff.

Community Job Fair

The Naperville Park District and KidsMatter are hosting a Community Job Fair this Saturday. The free event is for those ages 15 and up through senior adults, and will be held at the Fort Hill Activity Center. Opportunities will be presented for those looking for full-time, part-time, or seasonal employment. There will also be workforce prep opportunities for high school and college students. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Winter Wine Walk

Downtown Naperville is holding its first ever Winter Wine Walk. The event will feature 13 different stops, with a one-ounce pour of wine at each, along with snacks, and a souvenir insulated wine tumbler. Tasting deVine Cellars is also kicking in a discount for a future Downtown Naperville wine experience. The wine walk will take place Sunday, February 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place. Ticket sales start at noon on January 12, and more information is available on the Downtown Naperville Alliance website. Ticket proceeds will benefit NCTV17.

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