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D203 Tax Levy | St. Patrick’s Day Patrols | Public Art Competition

D203 Tax Levy

At their Monday meeting, the Naperville School District 203 Board of Education discussed whether to abate the 2021 debt service tax levy.  The school district portion of most home tax bills would increase by around 1.4% if the levy is abated. That means an average homeowner with an assessed home value of $410,000 would see an increase of about $25 if their home did not change in assessed value. If the levy is not abated, most homes’ tax bills will increase by around 2.5%. In that case, an average homeowner with an assessed value of $410,000 would see an increase of about $92. The board will make a decision on whether to abate the levy at its March 21 meeting.

St. Patrick’s Day Patrols

The DuPage County Sheriff’s Office is reminding motorists to celebrate safely this St. Patrick’s Day. The sheriff’s office will be out in full force over the next week keeping an extra watchful eye out for impaired drivers and those not wearing seatbelts. If you do have a celebration planned that involves drinking or cannabis, make sure to have a designated driver or use a ride share or public transportation. The sheriff’s office reminds pedestrians to keep an eye out for cars, and by the same token, reminds drivers to watch out for impaired walkers. The stepped-up enforcement campaign runs from March 11 through March 18.

Prescribed Burns

The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County will be starting its spring prescription burns in the coming weeks. The district typically does the burns in early spring and late fall in select preserves to help restore native prairies, wetlands and woodlands. As the burns are weather dependent, they cannot be scheduled in advance. Rather, the district notifies neighboring residents that a burn is being planned nearby, then puts up signs and alerts the fire department on the day of the actual burn. Burns only take place during daylight hours and special crews will be present. Anyone observing a fire in a preserve without these indicators present should call 911.

Public Art Competition

The Naperville Art League (NAL) has a call out for artists to submit their work for its 19th annual Public Art Competition. This year the theme is “Gear Up.” Artwork in any style or medium using that theme may be submitted through April 9. Only one submission per person is allowed. The entry fee is $15 for members of the NAL, and $30 for non-members. The exhibit will run April 12 through 29 at the Naperville Fine Art Center & Gallery, with prizes awarded for best in show and excellence.

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