Diversity at Focus 203
Diversity and inclusion was the topic for District 203’s Focus 203 community engagement session. At Wednesday night’s event, Dr. Rakeda Leaks, the executive director of diversity and inclusion in the district, discussed the four priority areas 203 are currently focusing on. Those include examining hiring practices to have a more diverse workforce, looking at systemic inequities to see how they contribute to learning gaps, holding a district-wide implicit bias training, and reviewing curriculum so that it’s more inclusive of diverse perspectives and cultures. If you missed the session you can find the full presentation on the District 203 website.
Film Festival
In honor of Autism Awareness month, Turning Pointe held its inaugural Autism Awareness Film Festival. The non-profit teamed up with Docademia to bring the reality of living with Autism to the screen. After the screening of the two films, audience members had a Q & A with Emmett Goodman, one of the films’ subjects. Goodman left audiences with a heart felt message saying that people on the spectrum can grow up to have fulfilling lives.
March For Our Lives
The newly-formed March For Our Lives Naperville is co-hosting a “Rally for Change” this Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. Along with chapters from Downers Grove, Geneva, and Aurora, the rally will raise awareness of gun violence and regulation for firearm sales. The event will be held in Fishel Park in Downers Grove, with representatives from March for Our Lives, Moms Demand Action and Congressman Sean Casten in attendance.
Martial Arts
Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America and all your favorite Avengers hit the scene at the movies last night. To coincide with the opening weekend of “Avengers: Endgame”, Pro Martial Arts of Naperville brought their students to Hollywood Palms for a special performance and demonstration of their martial arts skills. Kids of all ages got a chance to shine, as the group recreated scenes from “Avengers Infinity War” in celebration of the final film scheduled in Marvel’s superhero saga. The group will be back at the Hollywood Palms in December for another demonstration, celebrating the release of the upcoming Star Wars film.