DuPage River Discussion | Olympian in Naperville | Tour de Naperville

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DuPage River Discussion

The DuPage River was a point of discussion at last night’s Naperville Park District board meeting. The river’s status as a private waterway, but used by the public for recreation, has caused some riverfront homeowners to complain to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. That prompted the start of an online petition that urges officials to promote public access. Former State Representative Grant Wehrli asked the park board to voice its own support in promoting free river access. The board decided to draft a resolution in support of public access to the DuPage River. They will vote on the resolution at a future meeting in August.

Tornado Cleanup Costs

Also at the meeting, the park district board heard a presentation detailing the cost of cleanup following the June 20 tornado in Naperville. The park district’s director of parks Tim Quigley said the district has spent slightly more than $17,000. The park district plans to provide another $11,000 for cleanup. Officials said the effort took more than 900 labor hours and cost $18,600 in staff wages.

Olympian in Naperville

The Olympics begin today, and we spoke with two-time Olympic medalist Bryan Clay when he stopped by Naperville last week. The decathlete came to celebrate the opening of the newest branch of his franchise, Eat the Frog Fitness. Clay said he’s brought athletic insights he’s used while training for the Olympics, like low impact training, to the studio. Eat the Frog Fitness Naperville is located at 1624 S Route 59.

Semi Touch a Truck Event

The DuPage Children’s Museum’s is hosting a Transportation Zoo next weekend in the museum parking lot. Multiple vehicles will be on display for the “Semi Touch A Truck” event. Visitors will be able to get a closer look at the larger vehicles, as well ask questions. The event is July 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Tour de Naperville

The Naperville Park District’s eighth annual junior Tour de Naperville will be back at Commissioners Park this year. Kids ages three to 12 can ride their bikes, big wheels, or tricycles around the 1.2 mile trail. Registration is full for the younger age groups, but there are still openings on the park district website for nine to 12-year-olds. The event takes place August 14.