Naperville Public Library Ranked Best in Country
Library Journal has named the Naperville Public Library best in the country in its expenditure range for the year.
The group also deemed it a five-star library for the 14th time since the award started in 2009.
Factors used in the rankings include physical circulation, e-material circulation, wi-fi sessions, website visits, public computer users, database usage, program attendance and library visits.
The data for the award came from the 2020 calendar year amidst the height of the pandemic, which the library’s executive director Dave Della Terza said made the honor that much more meaningful.
District 203 Property Tax Increase Coming
Homeowners in Naperville School District 203 can expect an upcoming increase in their property tax bills with the school board’s recent vote on the tax levy.
D203 officials are anticipating using the state’s 5% maximum public schools tax cap law for the upcoming property tax levy, based on a plan set in motion at Monday’s school board meeting.
After several reviews, the board voted, 6-1, in favor of the 5% levy, based on the state’s consumer-price index ceiling for taxing. District 203 also is seeking an additional 0.99% levy for new construction, bringing the total proposed levy increase to 5.99%.
That means if a home’s assessment rises 10%, and the 5% levy increase is in the mix, a $10,000 tax bill in 2022 could increase $500, to $10,500, in 2023, with just the school portion taken into account.
Some board members had concerns about the impact a tax increase could have on property owners with inflation, but others stated a desire to ensure adequate funds were coming into the district in the years ahead. Taxes make up about 85% of District 203’s revenue.
Candidate List for Park and School Boards
With the filing window now closed, the full list of candidates for Naperville Park District, Naperville School District 203 and Indian Prairie School District 204 has been set.
Running for one of the three open slots on the park board will be incumbent Rich Janor, program manager at Marsh McLennan Christopher Jacks, V.P. of FAMA Technology Mahboube “Michelle” Haghighi, and attorney at Collins Law Firm P.C. John Risvold.
In the race for one of the three spots on the District 203 school board will be incumbents Kristine Gericke and Joseph Kozminski. They’re joined by claims consultant at CNA Insurance Ronald Amato, retired CBS Television employee Barbara Higgs, Melissa Kelley Black and Gilbert R. Wagner.
Just three candidates have submitted petitions for the three open slots on the IPSD 203 school board. Those are incumbents Justin Karubas and Mark Rising, along with president of the Indian Prairie Parents’ Council, Catey Genc.
All of the above terms are four-years. The Consolidated Election will be held April 4, 2023.
Five New Principals At IPSD 204 Schools
Five new principals have been hired for Indian Prairie School District 204 schools.
Kaitlyn Kempski will be leading May Watts Elementary, Jill Keller takes over at Georgetown Elementary, Rachel Witkowski at Graham Elementary, and Tarah Fowler at White Eagle Elementary. And stepping into the role of principal at Metea Valley High School will be Dan DeBruycker.
The appointments were approved at last night’s IPSD 204 board meeting. All positions begin July 1, 2023.