Matrix Club Request Tabled
At last night’s Liquor Commission meeting, the group decided to table a discussion on The Matrix Club’s request for three different types of liquor licenses. The new 4,500 square foot entertainment, restaurant and banquet hall venue is planned for 808 S. Route 59 next to the Mall of India. Petitioners for The Matrix Club are requesting a restaurant and tavern license, a license to allow liquor service at catered events, and a theater license for live performances. The commission had concerns about the proposed bottle service that accompanied the requests, which would allow customers in certain areas to have open bottles of spirits for self-service. Security was a main topic of discussion. The petitioner said they have a security consultant coming on board the first week of May, and plan to work with the Naperville Police Department if a big event is booked. They also offered the commission a tour of the venue. Discussion on the matter will continue at a future meeting.
My Stop App
Indian Prairie School District 204 will start using the My Stop bus-tracking app on Monday. The app allows parents and students to see where their bus is on the route, and time their trip to the bus stop accordingly. Ron Johnson, director of support operations for IPSD 204, said the adaptation process for the app’s use took three years. The My Stop app is available on internet accessible computers, tablets, and any Apple or Android mobile device. Johnson did caution that students should still plan to be at their bus stop five minutes before the bus’ arrival, and that the app could be prone to some glitches.
Possible New K-5 Social Studies Curriculum
The Naperville School District 203 Board of Education could be approving a newly adapted K-5 social studies curriculum. At Monday’s meeting, district administration presented the new curriculum. The goal is for students to develop and understand disciplinary concepts in areas of history, geography, civics, and economics. Administration said the new curriculum represents multiple perspectives, is culturally responsive, and allows students to broaden their understanding of global society. The board will vote whether to approve the curriculum at a future meeting.
Park District Survey
The Naperville Park District is asking the community for their input in updating its Strategic Plan and Master Plan. Randomly selected households will receive a survey in the mail this month, which can then be filled out either online, by mail or by phone. After those responses are taken for statistical integrity, the survey will then open up to the general public online. Questions will try to gauge the community’s recreation needs and views on the district.
Ukraine Support Cookies
DeEtta’s Bakery has a sweet campaign underway to help with World Central Kitchen relief efforts in Ukraine. They’ve baked up some Ukraine cookies frosted in blue and yellow, the colors of the country. For each bag sold, the bakery will donate $2 to World Central Kitchen. The nonprofit serves hot, nourishing meals at border crossings and within Ukraine itself to help those affected by the Russian invasion.