Remote Learning
Remote learning could be used more often by District 203. The D203 School Board of Education voted in favor of a resolution to make remote learning an option instead of closing schools on election days, during a public health response, or any other day where a school is mandated to be used for a public function. This also addresses safety concerns with polling places set up at schools since the public can easily enter school buildings. The new resolution prevents that and other disruptions to students. The district will now propose the resolution to the Illinois Association of School Boards for approval.
DuPage County New Testing Site
DuPage County opened a new COVID-19 testing site on the DuPage County Complex this morning. The site is open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday, or until daily test capacity is met. Visitors must remain in their cars and self-administer a nasal swab. Everyone is eligible for testing, regardless of symptoms or underlying conditions.
Mosquito Control
When the weather gets warmer, the City of Naperville uses a variety of strategies to control its mosquito population, and you can too. Use mosquito repellant containing 25-35% DEET when outside, eliminate standing water where mosquitos might breed, and keep roofs and gutters clear of debris and grass short.
NNHS Students Take Top Conrad Prize
Four students from Naperville North High School took home top honors at The Conrad Challenge – a multi-phase STEM and entrepreneurship competition. The team’s product, AirLyft, is a versatile drone that uses retractable wings to fly faster and longer. The design went through three rounds against top high school teams from around the world. The team had to continue collaborating, even while separated due to COVID-19. The group now hopes to take AirLyft to market.
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