Robinhood Wrongful Death Suit
The family of a Naperville man who died by suicide in June 2020 is suing investment app Robinhood. Twenty-year-old Alex Kearns believed he was $730,000 in debt due to a misunderstanding caused by the app’s interface. In fact, Kearns did not owe any money. The complaint alleges that the company uses “aggressive tactics and strategy to lure inexperienced and unsophisticated investors.” Per NBC News, the wrongful death lawsuit filed yesterday does not specify damages.
D204 In-Person Learning
Indian Prairie School District 204 is looking into expanding in-person learning opportunities for all grade levels. At the district’s board meeting last night, Superintendent Dr. Adrian Talley said they will expand in-person learning for some special education students, and high school students who are struggling academically. Elementary students could potentially see four half days a week of in-person instruction, and the district is examining grade levels in middle and high school that could come to school more often. Talley said the district will have an update on the matter at the next board meeting.
Will County COVID Call Center
The Will County Board approved a COVID-19 call center to assist the health department with call response about vaccines. The county will contract the work to Harris & Harris for $1.6 million for six months, with the firm handling intake requests and providing follow-up calls to remind residents of vaccination appointments and second-dose scheduling.
Vaccination Buddy Program
The Naperville and Lisle Townships Triad and Naperville Senior Task Force are hoping to make the vaccination process easier for local seniors. They’re looking for volunteers to “buddy up” with a senior who needs help making a COVID-19 vaccination appointment, and help transport the senior to the appointment if both parties are comfortable. Those interested in volunteering can email Jim Hill or Rick Graffagna at or respectively.
Kane County Cougars’ New League
The Kane County Cougars are on deck after joining the American Association for the upcoming season. Major League Baseball recently purged many minor league affiliates, but the Cougars will now play in an MLB Partner League. Opening Day for the 100-game season is scheduled for May 18.