Rothenfluh Sendoff
After 40 years, a local librarian is shelving her story. Julie Rothenfluh, who’s been the executive director at Naperville Public Library since 2013, is set to retire today. “I’ve been here at Naperville for over 20 years – 23 years and my husband has been retired for two years. I’m just ready to move on, I feel like I’ve done everything I had to do, and it’s time to move on and let somebody else have a turn,” said Rothenfluh. Rothenfluh says she’ll miss her support system of staff the most, but is looking forward to traveling with her husband, and of course reading more books.
Liquor Commission
At the latest Naperville Liquor Commission meeting, the group discussed the local age requirement for possessing tobacco products. The discussion comes after the bill known as “Tobacco 21” was passed at the state level, increasing the minimum age of purchasing tobacco products from 18 to 21. The bill also decriminalized the possession of tobacco by minors. The commission worried that might have some negative repercussions within high schools. They passed a recommendation to set the possession age in Naperville to 21. It will now go to City Council.
Holiday Lighting
Christmas in June? The city is currently testing three different styles of holiday lighting on trees along Van Buren Avenue downtown. The canopy wrap, branch wrap, and spritzer options will be on display until Wednesday and the final decision will be based on budget, installation requirements, and overall ambiance.
NSW Awards Show
As the 2018-19 high school sports season draws to a close, celebrate the best of the 12th season of Naperville Sports Weekly with the annual NSW Awards Show. Female Athlete of the Year, Male Athlete of the Year, Team of the Year and the Top 10 Plays of the Season will be unveiled this Sunday night at 6:30 p.m. All six local high schools have teams or athletes nominated so be sure to catch the winners on NCTV17 and