Student Charged With Hate Crime | Kroehler Mansion Demolition Okayed | NCC Wins National Championship

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Student Charged With Hate Crime:

A Naperville Central High School student has been charged with two counts of felony hate crime and one count of misdemeanor disorderly conduct after allegedly making a racist post online. The 14-year-old is accused of posting a photo on Craigslist of a black classmate with the caption of “Slave for Sale (NAPERVILLE)” and another racial slur. DuPage County Court Judge Anthony Coco ordered that the accused student refrain from contact with that classmate outside of school, and any contact in school must be non-threatening. He was also ordered not to use social media except when required by class, and given an in-school suspension. He will next appear in court on December 18.

Kroehler Mansion Demolition Okayed:

Little Friends got the okay to demolish the Kroehler Mansion at last night’s Naperville City Council meeting. The dais voted 6-2 to overturn the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission and allow the nonprofit to demolish the over 100-year old mansion. However, council also asked city staff to continue dialogue with Little Friends and any interested developers, to try to find ways around the mansion’s demolition. That could include using some city funds, possibly from the Special Events and Cultural Amenities fund, to restore the building and help Little Friends get full market value for their property to facilitate their move to a new facility in Warrenville. The mansion was a home to Peter Kroehler, a Naperville mayor and founder of Kroehler Manufacturing Company, for about 18 months. Preservationists say that makes the building historically significant, but the majority of public speakers argued Little Friends’ mission outweighs that significance.

Naperville Photographer Helps Girl Denied School Photo:

A Naperville photographer gave a Michigan girl who’d been denied a school photo a personal photo shoot of her own. Jermaine Horton drove hours to meet with Marian Scott, after he heard how the 8-year-old was turned away from taking a school photo at Paragon Charter Academy, due to her red hair extensions. Officials said they violated school policy. Thanks to donated studio space, wardrobe, and Horton’s generosity, Scott was able to rock her look and get the photo shoot of her dreams.

NCC National Championship Win:

Congratulations go out to the North Central College Women’s Triathlon team on yet another National Championship. The Cardinals held off Trine and Millikin University to win their third consecutive Division III National Title. Senior Madeyln Scopp won the individual championship thanks to a dominant performance in the running portion of the race.