Vaccine Distribution | Long-Lost Dog Reunion | Remembering Roy Grundy

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COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

On Friday, Governor J.B. Pritzker announced the COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan for the state, which could start this month. Per a DuPage County Health Department release, the first to receive vaccines will be healthcare workers and long-term care facility residents. They’ll be followed by essential workers, and then adults with high-risk medical conditions and those over 65 years old. The two vaccines being made each require two doses. Being vaccinated will not be mandatory. More details can be found here.

Gold Coin at Casey’s

For at least 20 years, a gold coin has been dropped in the Salvation Army’s red kettles in Naperville and the tradition has continued this year. Bell ringers found a one-ounce gold South African Krugerrand coin in the kettle outside Casey’s Foods in Naperville on December 3. The coin is valued at around $1,790.

DuPage Sheriff Christmas Deliveries

Christmas came early this year for some kids in DuPage County. On Saturday, the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office delivered gifts to kids selected by its township assistance programs. The department usually does a “shop with the sheriff” event, but couldn’t this year due to COVID-19. Children submitted holiday wish lists and the sheriff’s office shopped for their items, then enlisted Santa’s help to make the special deliveries.

Long Lost Dog Reunited with Owners

DuPage Animal Services reunited a dog, Lola, and her owners, Ebra and Steven Mejeur after being separated for three years. The couple was visiting friends in Elk Grove Village when Lola wandered away. After a month of searching, the couple returned to their home in Kalamzoo, Michigan. A Glendale Heights resident found the black lab mix and brought her to DuPage Animal Services, where she was reunited with her owners thanks to being microchipped.

Remembering Roy Grundy

Longtime Naperville Resident Roy Grundy died on November 20 at his senior living retirement home in Seattle from head and neck cancer. Grundy and his wife Priscilla moved to Naperville in the 1960s where they lived for 53 years. During that time, Grundy served on the District 203 board, volunteered with the Rotary Club of Naperville, and made contributions to restore the cannon in Central Park. A Zoom memorial service was held yesterday afternoon. Grundy was 90 years old.