Walgren Settlement Passed
The settlement agreement between the City of Naperville and Naperville Unit School District 203 to each pay $125,000 to the Walgren family has been approved. Last night the District 203 board passed their part in the agreement, after Naperville City Council had approved theirs last week. The Walgrens filed a wrongful death lawsuit after the death of their 16-year-old son Corey in January of 2017. Corey died by suicide not long after being questioned by school officials at Naperville North, without his parents present. The agreement states that neither the district nor the city would be seen at fault.
District 204 Enrollment Study
Indian Prairie School District 204 will be conducting an enrollment and development study of the district. Last night, the school board approved the hiring of RSP & Associates to conduct the study, which will analyze student enrollment and housing trends. It will also look at development initiatives and how those impact enrollment and finances. 204 hopes the study will update both the City of Aurora and Naperville’s ordinance on generation tables and impact fees. The study comes after the recent approval of residential developments in the district, such as the CityGate apartment complex. The City of Naperville suggested 204 would receive an impact fee of over $165,000 from that project. But administration reported the actual fee could be over $846,000. The study will be performed throughout the fall and winter, and a report on its findings will be presented in the future.
203 School Board Awarded
In other District 203 news, the board earned the Illinois Association of School Boards’ 2019 School Board Governance Recognition. 203 is one of 19 school boards to receive the recognition, which is designed to acknowledge boards that have engaged in activities and modeled leading excellence in local school board governance in support of quality public education. Today, there are nearly 860 school districts in Illinois.