At the first council meeting this October, the city decided to partner with Ryan Companies for the community engagement process of the 5th Avenue development.
Ryan Companies recently held their first public information meeting to hear about concerns of the residents.
“This is the starting point for what this is going to be or what this could be,” said Jim McDonald, vice president of real estate for Ryan Companies USA. “What’s the opportunity? Are there challenges or issues we could fix as part of this development?”
Residents could talk to Ryan Companies personnel and leave notes about what they’d like to see happen in the area and potential issues the development could face, like increased traffic.
Attendees could also sign up for future small-group input sessions and give their contact information out to stay informed about the project.
“I live in the neighborhood a block away from the train station, so it’s going to affect me big time,” said Naperville resident Allison Longenbaugh. “We already have bad traffic and flooding so it could be good for the neighborhood I hope that’s what they focus on.”
Information gathered from the meetings will be used to start planning the redevelopment of the 13.35 acres, which includes several different lots around the Naperville Train Station and the DuPage Children’s Museum.
“Our main concern in our neighborhood is connectivity,” said Naperville resident Patrick Kelly. “We want to make sure we can access the development and downtown in a safe manner.”
Naperville News 17’s Blane Erwin reports.