Art of Inclusion Group to Create New Artwork

Art of Diversity
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A committee has been formed to help bring new public artwork focusing on diversity to Naperville.

Mural Criticism Prompts Action

The group came about after the “Naperville Loves a Parade” Century Walk mural in downtown Naperville came under criticism last month due to a lack of diversity included in the mural. After a petition and a zoom meeting with State Representative Grant Wehrli, discussions began about the future of the mural.

Art of Inclusion Formed

After three weeks of planning and initial fundraising, a diverse 14 person steering committee made up of community members was formed as part of a group titled “Art of Inclusion”. The mission of the group is to create public art that reflects the diversity of Naperville and promote unity and inclusion in our community.

The committee decided to create a new piece of permanent artwork rather than changing the existing mural, which is made up of community members who paid to have their likenesses included.

“Naperville Loves a Parade” took over four years to complete. The Art of Inclusion group predicts the new art project will take over a year.

In a press release, the Art of Inclusion group stated, “This project evolved during both a difficult and promising time for our community. It is heartwarming that so many people have contacted us, wanting to work together to focus our energy in positive ways. Naperville truly is a special place!”

Fundraising Efforts

To date, the group has raised over $9,500 in funds through GoFundMe before starting any primary fundraising drives. Sherwin Williams has also offered to donate up to 50 gallons of paint for the project.

Sun Kwok, who started the GoFundMe page says, “It’s a great time to get involved with our group. We are looking for volunteers to help with project ideas, themes and locations and how the community can participate in the creation of the new art works.”

If anyone is interested in joining the group they can send a short note about their interest area and expertise to: