Celebrating the Fourth Safely and Responsibly

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The Fourth of July often means having friends and family around for barbecues, picnics, and fireworks. But this year, you might want to add social distancing to your list of activities.

Following Guidelines

“We need to make sure we’re following health guidance, which means social distancing whenever possible, minimizing the number of people you’re with, plus all of the common sense things – clean your hands often, wear a mask appropriately,” said Edward Hospital Infection Control Manager Mary Anderson.

When it comes to the menu, Anderson suggested asking guests to bring their own food and drinks. Avoiding things like bags of chips, where guests need to touch a communal bowl, is also a smart idea.

Enjoy the Outdoors

The fact that the 4th of July traditionally includes lots of outdoor activities is a good thing – they are usually considered less risky for COVID-19 transmission than staying indoors.

“Just in general, the outdoor space is a little safer because you don’t have to worry about the ventilation and circulation of air,” said Anderson. “And frankly, outdoor spaces are just easier to social distance.”

Stay Home If You’re Unwell

Anderson also stressed to not leave the house if you’re not feeling well.

“The list of COVID-19 symptoms continues to grow. It includes not just a cough and shortness of breath and fever, but also fatigue, muscle soreness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea… it’s quite a long list. So if you’re feeling unwell at all, it’s best to stay home.”

Other tips include frequently wiping down surfaces and using hand sanitizer to stop the virus from spreading.

So whatever your Independence Day plans are, make sure everyone’s staying safe while celebrating.

Naperville News 17’s Casey Krajewski reports.


For more tips on Fourth of July safety, check out this story on firework safety or this story on grilling safety.