Circuit Court Judge Blocks Pritzker’s Extended Stay-At-Home Order For Individual

Circuit Court Judge Blocks Pritzker’s Extended Stay-At-Home Order
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A Clay County circuit court judge has reportedly ruled that Governor J.B. Pritzker does not have the authority to extend the stay-at-home order an additional 30 days, releasing one individual from having to follow it.

Lawsuit Filed By State Representative

Republican State Representative Darren Bailey of Xenia filed a lawsuit last Thursday against the governor saying that Pritzker exceeded his authority in extending the stay-at-home order, and is violating the civil rights of the state’s residents.

Restraining Order to Block Extension

In his ruling today, Clay County Circuit Court Judge Michael McHaney granted a restraining order to temporarily block the extension of the stay-at-home order scheduled to start May 1 – but just for Bailey, who filed the lawsuit.

This could open the door for others to file similar suits.

Governor’s Reaction

News of the ruling against Pritzker’s stay-at-home extension came during the governor’s daily press briefing.

The governor reacted, saying “Representative Darren Bailey’s decision to take to the courts to try and dismantle public health directives designed to keep people safe is an insult to all Illinoisans who have been lost during this COVID-19 crisis. And it’s a danger to millions of people who may get ill because of his recklessness.”

Governor Works to Overturn Ruling

The governor said the Illinois Attorney General is working to get the decision overturned as soon as possible.

“In the interim we will be issuing new public health directives so that we can continue to respond to this public health crisis,” said Pritzker. “At this time I strongly encourage all municipal level leaders as well as the people of Illinois who are our strongest weapon against this virus to follow the advice of our scientists here in Illinois and across the nation, of IDPH and the CDC and continue to follow the guidelines of our stay-at-home order.”

A status hearing is set for next week.