D204 Looking To Expand In-Person Learning Opportunities

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In-person learning could be expanded at all levels at Indian Prairie School District 204.

At the district’s board meeting Monday night, Superintendent Dr. Adrian Talley said in-person learning would increase for some special education students and high school students who are struggling academically.

Elementary Level

Elementary students could potentially see four half days a week of in-person instruction, but school principals will need to examine several metrics to see if that’s possible.

“They’re looking at the possibility of having to change teachers,” said Talley. “They have talked with transportation about creating an afternoon bus for some schools to make that a possibility. They’re looking at what impacts zooming and rooming will do.”

Middle & High Schools

The district is also examining combining groups A and B at the middle and high school levels to expand in-person instruction.

Talley said the district would not relax its six-foot social distancing rules.

The district is also working towards getting its staff vaccinated, and is partnering with local organizations like Edward Hospital, Jewel-Osco, and Mariano’s to administer doses, but supply is inconsistent.

Supply Issues

On February 3 the district was going to vaccinate more than 400 1b staff members, but according to Dr. Talley the Illinois Department of Public Health cancelled the clinic.

“It seemed they thought we were not a K-12 program, but an institution of higher learning,” said Talley. “At 6:07 p.m., on the day of the proposed clinic, they sent an email granting us the right to have that clinic. By that time it was too late.”

Talley said 350 1a staff have been vaccinated.

The goal is to have an update at the next board meeting on whether the district can expand in-person instruction.

Naperville News 17’s Christian Canizal reports.


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