Indian Prairie School District 204 will move all students to full remote learning beginning Monday, November 23 and lasting through Friday, January 15.
Rising COVID-19 Cases
The decision was announced in a letter today from District 204 Superintendent Adrian Talley. He noted the rising number of COVID cases in the area and the impact they have had within the district.
“Over the past two weeks, we have had to quarantine 275 staff members. At the same time, we have seen an increase in the number of parents who are choosing to not send their children to school for in-person support due to COVID-19 concerns,” said Talley.
All Moved To Remote
The district will be moving preschool, STEPS program and students with special needs currently receiving in-person services to the remote learning model.
“While we are disappointed to announce an extended pause to our in-person learning plans, public health officials are providing no indication that the community transmission level will be reduced from substantial to moderate. We have stated we need moderate transmission for two consecutive weeks in order to transition to our hybrid plan,” said Talley.
Time To Quarantine After Holidays
The move to remote learning coincides with the Thanksgiving holiday and the weeks to follow, during which many public health officials are expressing concern about COVID-19 transmission.
“This pause allows students to learn from home after the holidays and helps prevent the spread of COVID through our schools and community by allowing for the recommended 14 day quarantine after both Thanksgiving break and our Winter break,” added Talley.
He urged families to follow CDC guidelines for celebrating the upcoming holidays to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
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