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East Ogden Corridor Development

During an all day open house at the Iroquois Center, streetscape improvement plans for the East Ogden Avenue Corridor were on display.

New signage and gateways, buried electric lines, plantings, and an overall rebranding of the corridor are all part of the proposal.

The open house was an opportunity for business owners, property owners, and residents to give their thoughts.

“I like the new concepts, I like the designs. I was at the last town hall meeting and I just think Naperville is a great city, they’ve done a great job of with downtown, the downtown corridor, 5th Avenue, but they’ve completely neglected the gateway, the only gateway really into the city. And I just think the plans and what’s happening they look very good and I hope that they follow through with them and are able to make it happen.”

“Let’s do it. I know they’ve been talking about this for almost 10 years so we finally need to get something done and do it. It’ll never be perfect, it was at least 2008 I went to the same meeting they were talking about doing it and this was what they’ve gotten done zero so far. So we need to push forward and do something.”

Also part of the discussion was how the project would be paid for, as the estimated cost for improvements is about $5 million.

The City of Naperville, the Naperville Development Partnership, and the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the open house.

After feedback from the open house is reviewed, the improvement concepts will go to city council.

Naperville News 17’s Christine Lena reports.

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