The Housing Advisory Commission received a new Analysis of impediments to Fair Housing in Naperville.
This report, created by Mullin & Lonergan Associates, analyzes the state of fair housing in the city, including demographic trends, obstacles, and actionable plans to overcome them.
The four primary impediments identified by the study include: a limited presence of fair housing education, language barriers for non-English speakers, a poor supply of affordable housing, and a restrictive public transport system.
“Now that the Housing Advisory Commission has received the Analysis of Impediments, it will be reviewed by City Council and hopefully adopted and implemented,” said Michele Hilger, Chairwoman of the Housing Advisory Commission.
But before it goes to City Council, residents will have the chance to review and give feedback on the analysis, which is available both online and in Naperville’s libraries until February 21.
“After that point we’re going to look at those comments and they’ll be summarized in the document and revisions will be made as necessary depending on the comments that we get,” said Rhiannon Haller, Housing and Community Development Specialist with Mullin & Lornegan Associates.
Several citizens already gave their voice during public comment, calling for the construction of new affordable housing units, improved senior living communities, and other ideas to improve fair housing, ideas that the commission was glad to hear.
“The commission’s goal is to make Naperville a very welcoming and diverse place to live, work, and play,” said Hilger. “Fair housing plays a big part in that.”
Once the commission has finished revising the analysis, it will be sent to City Council for consideration.
“I think we will take a really good look at this, and with your recommendations from this commission, really take a good look at this because we do need to take steps forward,” said Becky Anderson, Councilwoman of the City of Naperville.
Council will vote on the analysis by early March.
Naperville News 17’s Blane Erwin reports.