Practicing Muslims from across Naperville came together to celebrate Eid al-Adha at Naperville’s local mosques this week. The three-day holiday is one of the most celebrated in Islam.
What is Eid al-Adha?
“Eid is one of two holidays, two major holidays, that Muslims celebrate. The first one is Eid al-Fitr, and that comes right after the conclusion of the month of Ramadan…Today is known as Eid al-Adha. Oftentimes people say ‘the big Eid,’ and that is a commemoration of the sacrifice that Abraham Prophet Abraham was asked to make by God,” said Imam speaker for Eid al-Adha, Dr.Wali Khan.
Though the celebration involves eating and gift-giving with friends and family, it also embodies a lesson about sacrifice and trust in faith.
The significant meaning behind Eid al-Adha
“We have to make sacrifices every single day, and there are intentional decisions that we have to make. Many times we think that if we sacrifice something, it means that we have to give up something and suffer. But the concept of sacrifice in Islam is that you are giving something up for the sake of God, and having that trust and understanding, and love for God equates to knowing that what you give up for God, God will replace with something that is better,” said Dr.Khan.
Eid al-Adha coincides and aligns with the Hajj, being the fifth pillar of Islam. It is the journey to Mecca Masjid al-haram that every Muslim must take in their lifetime, if physically and financially able. Muslim faith says the reward for making the pilgrimage is being forgiven of all sin.
“The Hajj is this once in a lifetime, you know, grand experience that people have that is literally a rebirth because, for someone who, you know, gives everything up, travels across the world, takes nothing with them, you know, but with what they need, the essentials,” Khan said, “And when they return home, they begin a new life, a reformed individual,” said Dr.Khan.
How Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha
After prayers, family and friends gather to make the most of the holiday.
“People will be making food for one another, catering food, going out to restaurants. Kids will be receiving gifts. Everyone dresses in their nicest clothes and puts on their best look and their best foot forward. And it’s just a day of celebration and day of contentment and gratitude, reflection,” said Dr.Khan.
The Islamic Center of Naperville will host Eid Fest next week at the TOCA Sports Complex on July 8 to celebrate the new Islamic Calendar Year.
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