Park District Active Shooter Training Protocol Changed

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The Naperville Park District has made changes to its active shooter training protocol following an incident on May 18.

Executive Director Ray McGury explained at the most recent park district board meeting.

“Certainly those changes are going to be we’re never going to use the PA system again,” said McGury. “The PA system was important for us to use this time because it’s an outdoor setting. We were trying to train staff to get on the PA, what to say.”

On the May 18, an active shooter drill at Centennial Beach interrupted a charity walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Some in the area misheard the PA system announcing the drill and panicked thinking it was an actual emergency.

Many at the CF walk and a nearby Naperville Little League game saw the commotion and also felt the situation was real.

After the incident, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation issued a statement saying, “We share the community’s disappointment that this incident disrupted great strides and caused distress during a cherished annual tradition to raise funds and awareness for cystic fibrosis, celebrate loved ones who are fighting CF, and honor individuals who have passed.”

McGury added that the park district has been in contact with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and a conference call is scheduled between the two organizations.

“We own the fact that we didn’t make the notifications we should have made, plain and simple,” added McGury.

McGury also said the use of a starter pistol will be replaced with an air horn, and they will make sure all events in the area are properly notified of the active shooter training beforehand.

Naperville News 17’s Casey Krajewski reports.