Paul Harris Awards Honor Non-Rotarians

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“Service above self” is the Rotary motto, but you don’t have to be in the group to embody it.

The Rotary Club of Naperville honored nine non-Rotarian community members with the Paul Harris Fellow Award for Service.

This year’s recipients are Steve Rubin, John and Agnes Anderson, Margie Tarpey, Moses Baryoh, Kathryn Boyens, Chuck Papanos, Steve Skorup, and Caroline Senetar, who wasn’t able to attend.

Each recipient was given a chance to address the audience and discuss why they feel they’ve been called to serve.

“I truly believe that each of us has a deep responsibility to leave this world a better place than when we entered it,” said Loaves and Fishes volunteer Margie Tarpey. “We must ask ourselves, ‘what is my life goal and what am I contributing to this world?’”

“I can’t even begin to summarize in a few short minutes all that I learned through my participation in TGC,” said Kathryn Boyens of Scott School. “But one of my key takeaways is that even our youngest learners, as young as five years old, can investigate the world, think globally, and act locally.”

Each of the recipients was awarded a certificate and a gold pin.

Naperville News 17’s Casey Krajewski reports.