Ralph’s Journey

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Runners and walkers recently took to the Riverwalk and Downtown Naperville in support of Bike Bald and Ralph’s Journey.

Ralph Hayes is a Naperville Running Company employee who was diagnosed with cancer last October.

He’s partnered with Bike Bald to raise awareness and money for childhood cancer research.

“The reason I’m doing this is just that, I want to raise money for children with cancer,” said Hayes. “I know what I’m going through with this, and I can’t imagine what a child is going through – you know they have no idea what’s happening to them.”

This was a three mile fun run/walk to gain some support as he trains for his next goal: participating in a 24-hour run on October 20 in Indiana – even though he can’t run like he used to.

“So I’ve been walking a lot, walk all different times of day, I walk in the afternoon, I get home from work late at night I’ll go for a walk,” said Hayes. “This coming Saturday my plan is to start walking at 10 at night and just walk as long as I can for the training.”

And because he’s working with Bike Bald, he’s got supporters every step of the way. For this run – they even put on some Ralph-inspired wigs.

“We stand beside our families and we stand beside our supporters,” said Bike Bald Founder Debbie Mossburg. “So we all signed up – we’re registered to go and do the run with him, walk with him, support him.”

Making strides in the fight against cancer.

If you want to support Ralph’s Journey, check out Bike Bald’s website.

Naperville News 17’s Blane Erwin reports.