SoapBox Soaps Donates to Homeless Shelters & Food Pantries

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SoapBox Soaps Donates

SoapBox Soaps, a company co-founded by Naperville native David Simnick, is donating nearly two million bars of soap to homeless shelters and food pantries.

“SoapBox decided to donate 1.7 million bars because we understand how severe COVID-19 is and we wanted to help in giving the less fortunate the first line of defense against the spread of this nasty virus,” said Simnick.


The company has partnered with Clean the World, Feeding America, and other organizations to help with their task.

Over 14 semi-trucks full of soap have left Clean the World’s headquarters in Florida to make their way out to dozens of shelters and food pantries across the U.S.

Making a Difference

According to Simnick, usually one bar of soap helps a family of four at a food pantry. He also said soap is always in high demand at these locations – one reason why they decided to make this donation.

“SNAP or Food Stamps don’t provide for hygiene items,” said Simnick. “So it usually only covers food and not hygiene necessities hence why food pantries go through their hygiene products so quickly.”

The company was founded in the idea of empowering people to change the world through everyday purchases like soap.

Usually with every purchase, SoapBox donates to someone in need. But this campaign takes it a step further since no purchase is necessary.

Naperville News 17’s Aysha Ashley Househ reports.


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