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Steering Committee Talks 5th Avenue

The 5th Avenue Steering Committee met recently to discuss the proposed baseline concept for the 5th Avenue Redevelopment Project.

Steering Committee Concerns

The committee discussed several aspects of developer Ryan Companies’ baseline concept, including height and density, affordable housing, and green space.

“With this project one of the things that’s been consistent is a variety of concerns, not one is more important than the other,” said Ryan Companies Senior Vice President Jim McDonald. “We don’t always agree but we’re challenging each other and hopefully what comes out of that is a really good, solid vision that is unique and everyone can get behind.”

Public Voices Opinion

The public also had a chance to weigh in after the committee, voicing concerns of traffic and pedestrian accessibility.

City staff will compile feedback from residents and the steering committee and present their report on the baseline concept at the October 1 Naperville City Council meeting.

There, council will vote on whether to make Ryan’s proposal the official baseline concept for the project.

Naperville News 17’s Casey Krajewski reports.

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