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Students Pitch Their Business INCubator Ideas

Local business students pitched their products, Shark Tank-style, with real money on the line.

Pitch Night

District 203’s Business INCubator Pitch Night gave five student groups from Naperville Central and Naperville North, a chance to expand their very own business ideas.

“That’s how it’s presented to them is they’re going to solve a problem and their solution to that problem ends up becoming their business idea. So throughout the entire school year they’re doing research on this problem and the solution, talking to customers, interviewing them, creating prototypes,” explained Brad Neubauer, the Business INCubator teacher at NCHS.

Business INCubator Class

After working together in their Business INCubator class, teams pitched to a panel of advisory council judges.

“It’s a class unlike any other class,” said Neubaurer. “It’s the most authentic learning experience they could possibly have because we’re not just doing homework and turning it in for a grade. Any work that they do, they’re doing it to further their business idea.”

The Winner Is…

It was all to further their businesses with up to $25,000 from the Naperville Education Foundation.

In the end, Turf Breaker won the most funding – $12,000 for their waterproof cleats company. $9,000 went to Oracle Straw’s reusable and collapsible straw product and $3,000 went to Style 360’s personalized clothing swap service.

Congratulations to all the teams that competed!

Naperville News 17’s Christine Lena reports.

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