Taps at Rotary Hill
The sound of the trumpet rang through Rotary Hill as the taps were played at the top.
“It’s sort of an analogy for lights out. It’s the end of the day. At a funeral it would be the end of the day, the end of the tour, the end of the fight for that fallen comrade,” said Pablo Araya, commander of the Judd Kenall VFW Post 3873. “And on Veterans Day and Memorial Day and other flag ceremonies where they play taps, it sort of signifies the same thing. It’s honoring those that have given the full measure.”
Veterans Day Ceremony
The full measure meaning those who have passed away in the line of duty.
Playing the taps tonight is only one way the Healing Field of Honor Committee has honored those veterans.
On November 11 at 11 a.m., there will be a Veterans Day ceremony at Rotary Hill with the 2,019 flags that were placed their earlier this week surrounding everyone.
Naperville News 17’s Aysha Ashley Househ reports.