Teacher Expo Provides Resources for Educators

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About the Expo

The DuPage Children’s Museum held a special after school event that was all about the teachers.

The second annual teacher’s expo welcomed nearly two hundred educators, childcare providers, PTA members, counselors, and others who work with children, for an evening to connect with educational resources in our area.

The Resources Available

“But in addition to that there’s other great curricular services,” said DCM’s Director of Education and Programs Thomas Sullivan. “There are direct service agencies working with children on the autism spectrum. There are funders who help teachers apply for grants to bring in some of these services and take some of their kids on field trips. It’s that all one-stop-shop for teachers to really kick off the beginning of their school year.”

Opportunity to Connect

Fifty organizations were positioned throughout the museum for a networking opportunity.

“My teachers came last year and I was unable to come. So when it was offered a second time I thought, what a great opportunity to see what’s out there,” said attendee Sue Clary, the director of Westminster Preschool in Glen Ellyn.

The Meemic Foundation and Insurance sponsored the event.

Naperville News 17’s Christine Lena reports.