White Eagle Elementary School Loses Principal

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White Eagle Loses Principal

White Eagle Elementary School principal, Timothy Krahenbuhl, died on Wednesday, according to the Naperville Sun.

The White Eagle Elementary PTA Facebook page shared the following post:

“Yesterday we lost the leader of our Wolf Pack, Mr. K. He was a man of great integrity, compassion, and who loved his staff, students, and their families so much. I know our hearts are aching right now and we will navigate these rough waters together. I encourage you to share a story or even just a loving message about Mr. K. here. We will never forget you Mr. K.”

In His Memory

According to the Naperville Sun, the sidewalk outside the school is covered with chalk pictures and messages dedicated to the principal. On Friday, elementary school principals wore White Eagle’s color, purple, in his memory.

The Naperville Sun also reports Krahenbuhl took a leave of absence in the fall and is survived by his wife and four children.

“Today, our district lost Principal Tim Krahenbuhl. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the White Eagle staff. For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack,” said the Indian Prairie Education Foundation in a Twitter post.

Krahenbuhl had been principal at the District 204 school since July 2018.

Naperville News 17’s Aysha Ashley Househ reports.


Photo Credit: Tim Krahenbuhl Facebook