2020 Census Naperville Complete Count Committee

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The 2020 Census Naperville Complete Count Committee was organized in July of 2019 for the purpose of supporting the US Census Bureau to ensure that all residents are informed and educated about the decennial census.

The Naperville CCC is comprised of over 135 local organizations and 250 individuals representing local, county, state and federal government, veterans groups, community and faith based groups, all levels of education, service & advocacy groups, political organizations, ethnic communities, rental populations and senior services organizations in the Naperville area.

Over the last 12 months, these organizations have promoted the 2020 Census on their websites, Facebook pages, twitter accounts, newsletters, flyers and emails. They have conducted webinars and programs in support of the US Census.

And the result of these efforts?

As of September 2, Naperville ranks #1 in the total United States with a 83.4% Census Self Response Rate for cities over 140,000 residents.

Every year, over $675 billion dollars in federal funding goes to hospitals, city service departments, schools, roads, housing, and other resources based on census data. In Illinois, this amounts to approximately $1,800 for every person counted.

The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, educators, planners, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community.

The results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw congressional and state legislative districts.
All responses to Census Bureau surveys and censuses are confidential and protected under Title 13 of the U.S. Code. Under federal law, the Census Department will never share a respondent’s personal information with immigration enforcement agencies, like ICE; law enforcement agencies, like the FBI or police; or allow it to be used to determine their eligibility for government benefits.

Residents can respond to the US Census Online, by phone or by mailing the questionnaire through September 30, 2020.

Starting on August 11 and continuing thru September 30, US Census Takers will conduct in person Non response Follow Up interviews with households that have not responded.
The 2020 Census Naperville Complete Count Committee has developed its own Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/2020CensusNaperville.

More from Spotlight

Watch more interviews with local nonprofit organizations serving the Naperville area.

Spotlight Guest

Mark Rice, Liaison – City of Naperville