The primary mission of A Man in Recovery Foundation is to help people suffering from an alcohol or substance use disorder, and their families, to learn to live a life of recovery. We believe the most effective approach is to help one struggling person at a time, guiding them “from dope to hope”.
We focus on awareness, prevention, community outreach, resources and local forums. We offer a family addiction support group, every Tuesday night in New Lenox, Illinois. We participate in speaking engagements to educate and raise awareness, consult with local and nationwide treatment centers, and guide and direct people to treatment providers regardless of whether they have insurance or not. The foundation uses it’s funds to pay for treatment, pay for transportation to treatment, and pay rent for people completing treatment and trying to get into a sober living home, A Man In Recovery believes that sober living is the bridge between treatment and recovery.
A Man In Recovery founder Tim Ryan is no stranger to addiction – including heroin, cocaine, and alcohol. Despite a successful business career, Tim found himself in the grips of heroin and, ultimately, was sentenced to seven years in prison for a number of drug-related convictions. Tim got clean and sober behind bars and was released in just 14 months.
Six months after his release, tragedy struck. His 20-year-old son, Nick – for whom Tim had paved the way to use deadly drugs – died tragically from an overdose. Attempting to get beyond the devastation and heartbreak, Tim used Nick’s death as the inspiration for A Man In Recovery Foundation, to spread a message of hope and recovery to others.
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Spotlight Guests
Tom Moore, Executive Director
Nick Gore, Beneficiary