About Bridge Communities
Since 1988, Bridge Communities has addressed the rapidly growing issue of homelessness in DuPage County by marshaling volunteers and community partners to provide not just shelter, but the skills, support and confidence that empowers homeless families to achieve their dreams.
Bridge Communities provides free transitional housing to 130+ homeless DuPage County families each year. During the two years each family spends in our program, they are mentored on how to save money, learn budgeting skills, obtain better education and employment, and permanently end homelessness for their family.
Homeless children were the reason that Bridge was founded, and children have remained our guiding force for the last 31 years. Each and every Bridge child receives physical, educational, mental and behavioral health assessment right when they join the program so they are connected to needed community-based services.
Bridge houses more than 40 homeless families right here in Naperville, and partners with dozens of Naperville faith communities, businesses, and service organizations. Together they are working to end homelessness for our DuPage County friends and neighbors.
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Spotlight Guests
Amy Van Polen, Senior Director
Cassie, Bridge Beneficiary