BrightSide free summer concerts bring musical favorites to Naperville parks

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BrightSide Theatre’s Summer in the Parks concert series gives people the chance to enjoy music from one of the world’s most famous composers.

What is Summer in the Parks?

“This is our first performance for our third annual now Summer in the Park Concert series,” said Brightside Theatre Executive Director, Julie Ann Kornak. “And we are here at the 95th Street Public Library, Wagner Pavilion, performing music from Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber.”

Performers sing songs from Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber

Every summer, BrightSide picks a different musical theme. During this year’s free hour-long concerts, performers will sing songs from Webber musicals like Evita, The Phantom of the Opera, and Cats.

“He’s just so iconic in the musical theater world and he’s had a musical on Broadway for the last 35 years,” said Kornak. “Oddly enough, this is the first time in all those years that he doesn’t. But he’s done so much to the musical theater community, bringing glorious scores that are difficult for some theaters to do. And we just thought, what a great way to bring that to the public.”

“It’s great music for the young all the way to old and it’s a great venue for nice free outdoor start of the summer music,” said Kornak.

The concerts bring out music lovers from Naperville and beyond.

“Well, we’ve been to every performance,” said Oswego resident, Kris Jansen. “This is our third year and we usually do check emails. We’re on the BrightSide email information and we just love coming out in the evening. It’s so relaxing and at a beautiful park and they have great performers.”

More information regarding Summer in the Parks

Performances are scheduled from now up until August 13 at multiple locations throughout the Naperville area.

“We have a total of eight performances throughout the summer in different locations,” said Kornak. “There are five that are sponsored jointly by the Naperville Park District, and then we have some that are in the surrounding areas as well. So if you check our brand new website and look at the Summer in the Parks series, you’ll be able to see the rest of the shows through August throughout the area.”

“So definitely bring your blankets and lawn chairs; it’s kind of Ravinia a la Naperville,” said Kornak.

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