DuPage Children’s Museum receives $900K grant honoring former board member

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The DuPage Children’s Museum (DCM) recently received a $900,000 three-year grant from the Ronald L. McDaniel Foundation (RLMF).

Grant will support ‘innovative educational opportunities’

The money will help the nonprofit museum with funding programs and enhancing the guest experience.

“This multi-year commitment will have an impact on each and every guest that we see each year, which is over 300,000, supporting innovative educational opportunities and hands-on fun STEAM activities here in the building,” said DCM Executive Vice President for Institutional Advancement Stephanie Carver.

Ron McDaniel’s commitment to supporting children and the DCM

Ron McDaniel made his mark in the railroad supply business, and served as a DuPage Children’s Museum board member from 2010 until his death in 2022. He was honored with the DCM’s Great Friend to Kid award in 2019.

The mission of the RLMF is to support children, specifically by helping to fund programs that help them to reach their potential, whether through educational, housing, medical, or basic need support.

The grant serves as a reminder of Ron’s delight at seeing the joy of children visiting the museum, expanding their learning along the way.

“We’re just honored that the foundation would continue his legacy of supporting DCM, and it will give us the opportunity to increase the impact that we have on the children and the families that we serve,” Carver said, noting the difference it would make both at DCM, and at the programs they support across the region.

Video Credit:  DuPage Children’s Museum

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