Goldfish Swim School celebrates 10th Anniversary with Olympic Swimmer Cullen Jones

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Goldfish Swim School in Naperville recently celebrated its 10th anniversary with a little help from four-time Olympic medalist swimmer, Cullen Jones.

Goldfish Swim School teaches water safety to young children

“To be here for the ten-year anniversary, that means that you are a staple in the community that even think about how many lives you’ve saved over ten years,” says Olympic Gold Medalist and Goldfish Swim School Brand Ambassador Cullen Jones.

Over the past decade, the swim school on Quincy Avenue has taught swimming to more than 11,000 kids. Goldfish’s mission is to teach the importance of water safety to young children, helping them become confident swimmers.

“For water safety, drowning is obviously a huge concern with kids, especially babies. So, the Goldfish Swim School program starts at three months and goes all the way to age 12. So really trying to get the kids in and babies in as early as possible.” said Goldfish Marketing Director Kristina Young.

Olympian Cullen Jones childhood experience catalyst to become swimming star

It’s a cause that resonates with Jones. Though he took golf in both the 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympic games in the 4×100 freestyle and medley relays, his early adventures in the water were a bit more traumatizing.

“I actually nearly drowned at the age of five in the Jersey, New York area. I was at a waterpark, and so that day changed our entire lives,” said Jones.

Jones’ mother signed him up for swimming lessons in his hometown of Irvington, New Jersey. It took Jones five different teachers before he was comfortable in the water again, but he said it prepared him for what would come.

“I think a lot of us, we try to tend to stay away from those moments of like discomfort and fear, and one of the things that at the Olympics teaches you is that if you want to be successful, you’re going to have to lean into it,” said Jones.

Goldfish Swim School and Cullen Jones join forces

Now living in Charlotte, North Carolina, Jones enrolled his son in the Goldfish program shortly after his birth, having heard about the school’s reputation.

“When I had my little guy, I have a four-year-old now, I knew I wanted to get him into swim lessons, and a friend of mine, her daughter, was just excelling, excelling, excelling. And I’m watching her at to taking strokes by herself, and I’m like, ‘What are you guys doing?’ And she said, ‘Goldfish.'” said Jones.

Now working for Goldfish as its brand ambassador, Jones wants all young children to learn to swim and enjoy themselves in the water. He believes swimming lessons are the primary solution for avoiding drowning accidents like he experienced at a young age. Jones said there’s an 88% chance that if someone learns to swim, they’ll teach someone else how to swim, generationally breaking barriers.

“He’s a gold medalist. He’s seen it all. He’s a dad. And so he’s an amazing human being. Again, I think he is really so personable and passionate about water safety,” said Young.

Sounding off for a critical skill in a program that looks forward to many more years of ensuring kids’ safety.

For NCTV17, I’m Marcel X. Francis

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