Bolingbrook girls basketball cruises past Naperville North in the regional final

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We’re at Plainfield South High School for the IHSA Regional Finals as the ten seed Naperville North Huskies take on the first seeded Bolingbrook girls basketball. The Huskies edged out Plainfield South 52-47 in the regional semifinals while the Raiders cruised past Plainfield Central 73-27 in their semifinal matchup. This highlight is sponsored by BMO.

The Bolingbrook Raiders take a big lead after the first quarter

The Huskies are down by five early as Natalie Frempong has possession. She dishes it to Ava Podkasik and knocks down the layup getting the Huskies on the board.

Frempong takes on Angelina Smith, and she decides to take a shot and drains this trey from deep. North cuts Bolingbrook’s lead to one as they trail 6-5.

Yahaira Bueno feeds it to Ciyah Thomas down the corner. She goes for three but misses. However, Trinity Jones is there for the rebound. She misses her first attempt but gets another one and knocks down the layup for two. The Raiders lead 20-8 after one.

Naperville North battles back to narrow the deficit at halftime

The Raiders offense continues to roll as Bueno feeds it to Trinity Jones and splash. She gets the 3-ball to go, Bolingbrook leads 25-8 early in the second.

Bueno leads the offense once again as she gets stopped by two Huskie defenders. She feeds the ball to Airyel Jackson and buries the triple to extend the Raiders lead.

The Huskies are trying to get their offense back on track. Frempong shoots for three but comes up short. Podkasik gets the rebound and knocks down the layup for two. The Huskies trail 36-15 as we go into halftime.

The Raiders offense stays hot extending their lead in the third quarter 

The Raiders keep their offense on fire in the third quarter. Bueno dishes it to Ciyah Thomas who hits the layup, and extends Bolingbrook’s lead 38-15.

In the next play, Smith dishes it to Jones as she attacks the basket. She dishes it back to Smith, and she hits the triple for the Raiders to go up 47-18.

Frempong tries to get something going for the Huskies. She feeds it to Kendall Johnson as she tries to pass it, but it gets deflected and finds its way to Podkasik. She knocks down the floater for North as they trail 52-20 after three.

Bolingbrook girls basketball cruises past Naperville North to win the regional final

The Huskies try to finish strong in the fourth quarter. Sam Kelly finds Johnson open, and she buries the triple. The Huskies gave it everything they got in this one, but in the end, the Bolingbrook Raiders offense was rolling and cruised to a 60-31 win over Naperville North to win the regional championship. Bolingbrook girls basketball will play Benet Academy in the sectional semifinals.

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