Naperville North girls cross country wins the Waubonsie Valley Regional

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We are back at Waubonsie Valley for a girls Cross Country Regional after the school hosted the DVC meet last weekend. Naperville North is looking to win another Regional title after winning last year and all our Naperville area teams are looking for a top-five spot to qualify for next week’s sectionals. This highlight is sponsored by BMO.

The Huskies get off to a perfect start at the IHSA Waubonsie Valley Cross Country Regional

The race is off, and there are a total of 84 runners in this event. Huskie Shania Tadon is picking up speed to kick things off for this event. 

As we approach the first mile, Naperville North’s Emma Berres and Shania Tandon are the top 2 runners in this event.  Neuqua Valley’s Elizabeth Hall is running behind the Huskie duo with Rianna Tandon catching up to the Wildcat. Naperville Central’s Lola Satre Morales is running in between Oswego East’s Macy Dick and Emma Berglund. This also includes Waubonsie Valleys Lily Baibak and Mia Bertolini keeping pace with some Naperville North and Neuqua Valley runners. 

Running down the hill, Berres extends her lead. Staying together is the Tandon Twins of Shania and Rianna. Hall and Satre Moreales are right there, and another pair staying together is Dick and Berglund of Oswego East. Leading a huge pack is Huskie Anika Lovisa along with her teammate Ellianna White. More DVC runners follow through as we approach two miles.

At the two-mile mark, it’s still Berres holding a big lead in this event. This is followed up with Shania Tandon and her sister Rianna Tandon leading two runners which includes Wildcat Hall and Dick for Oswego East. From the back is Redhawk Satre Morales. The Warrior duo of Lily Baibak and Mia Bertolini are also pushing alongside Naperville North’s Anika Lovisa and Oswego East’s Emma Berglund. Central’s Brynn Miller and Metea’s Kaylee Russell are also around the top 20 with a trio of Warriors behind them.

Emma Berres wins second straight event after winning DVC last weekend

At the finish line, Berres is crowned the Regional champion with a time of 18:00.90. This is followed up with Shania Tandon coming in second with a time of 18.17.10. In third place, it’s Dick of Oswego East. Satre Morales of Naperville Central takes home fourth, while Rianna Tandon runs home for 5th place and Wildcat Hall is in 6th. Waubonsie Valley’s Lily Baibak and Bertolini end in seventh and eighth respectively. Russell is the top Mustang, ending the day in 11th place. 

Naperville North girls cross country takes home a second straight Regional title. Waubonsie, Naperville Central, Oswego Easy, and Neuqua all secure top five spots, as their entire teams will head to Sectionals. Metea Valley’s Russell and Isabella Sieben qualify for next weekend’s meet individually.

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