Washington Co Op girls lacrosse beats Neuqua in OT of the Regional Quarterfinals

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It’s playoff time at Neuqua Valley as the Wildcats welcome Washington Co-op girls lacrosse for a Sectional Quarterfinal. The winner of this game will move on to play Lockport in the sectional semifinal at O’Fallon. This highlight is sponsored by BMO.

Washington Co-Op jumps out in front with an 8-4 lead at halftime over Neuqua Valley

We’ll pick things up in the first quarter with the game tied 3-3. Karlee Pettit surveys the defense and finds Haven Hornberger over the middle and she sneaks it by the goalie for the score. Panthers lead by one with three minutes left in the first.

Later in the second quarter, the Wildcats are down 6-3. They find Addison Tedrow in front of the net and she scores through the contact. She shakes it off, and Neuqua Valley is down 6-4 with 10 minutes to play in the half.

With three minutes left in the quarter, Panther Kaitlyn Bach charges through the middle and fires it past the goalie. That one makes it 8-4 Washington just the halftime break.

Brooke Kircher stands tall in net and Neuqua continues to fight back

Now in the second half, the Panthers are on the attack again. Alexa Haislip has a shot from point-blank range but Brooke Kirchner deflects it away. Hornberger gathers the rebound and shoots, but Kirchner stands tall. Strong goal-keeping keeps the score at 8-4.

Moments later, Syndey Pheasant attempts to clear the ball but Tedrow gets a piece of it. Naomi Winiarski scoops it up, charges forward, and fires it into the net. It’s now an 8-5 game with eight minutes left in the third.

On the other end of the field, Kaitlyn Bach connects with Haven Hornberger and she goes down low for the score. With that, the Panthers’ lead extends to 10-6 with two minutes to play in the third.

Winiarski and Gilmartin force overtime for Neuqua Valley girls lacrosse

On to the final frame. Here’s Winiarski roaming and then finding Kaylie Gilmartin over the middle and she finishes the job. That’s the fourth goal for Gilmartin, and now the Wildcats only trail 10-9.

Nearing the midway point of the fourth quarter, Winiarski speeds around behind the net. Once again she connects with Gilmartin who goes up high for the game-tying score. It’s 10-10 with just six minutes to play.

Just a minute later, Washington look to answer. Pettit uses some slick footwork to get to her spot and she scores her fifth of the night. Panthers lead 11-10 with five minutes to play.

The Wildcats are back in possession with less than four minutes to play. Winiarski looks for an open teammate, and yet again its Gilmartin with the clutch goal to tie the game up. Both teams hold at 11 and we’ll go to overtime.

Washington Co-Op girls lacrosse wins in overtime and advances to the IHSA Sectional Semifinals

Early in the overtime period, Hornberger has possession. She circles the perimeter, finds Pettit open near the net, and wins the one-on-one battle with the goalie. Washington wins a thriller 12-11 and advances to the sectional semifinals against top-seed Lockport.

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