Jane Morrison with the Cress Creek Garden Club gives some tips and tricks for taking care of houseplants for beginners.
Easy houseplants for beginners
One of the simplest plants to take care of is the dracaena trifasciata, commonly called a sword plant or mother-in-law’s tongue.
“The only way you can kill this is to overwater it. So you need to be careful,” says Morrison. This type of plant prefers clay pots and can produce more plants.
Another easy plant to take care of is a peace lily. These plants will need to be repotted once they get too big, but they can be kept indoors during the winter and outdoors during the summer.
Creating a greenhouse in your home
Some plants may require more warmth and light. Small grow lights can be purchased at any hardware store, and the plastic clamshells from grapes make a perfect homemade greenhouse for propagating new plants.
A fun plant for kids
The spider plant is a fun plant for kids.
“One of the plants they seem to think is fun is a spider plant. And again, I’ve got to find it because it’s got one in here. They put off these little offshoots, they give you little babies, and you can cut this off and either put it in water or put it right in the dirt, and you’re going to end up with little plants,” says Morrison.
About Cress Creek Garden Club
Cress Creek Garden Club is an organization dedicated to promoting gardening in the community. Affiliated with the Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. and The National Garden Clubs, Inc. Members participate in workshops, give scholarships, and devote time to community planting at locations like Naper Settlement, Veterans Park, The DuPage Children’s Museum, and the VFW.