Phase 3 Begins
Phase 3 begins today and that means many local restaurants are reopen for outdoor dining. The City of Naperville is making special accommodations so restaurants can serve more outdoor guests during Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois plan. Mayor Steve Chirico issued an executive order that allows restaurants to have outdoor dining without a permit. However, bars and restaurants serving liquor in newly established outdoor seating areas or adding liquor service into established outdoor seating will need a permit. The mayor’s order also extends outdoor dining hours and allows establishments to temporarily covert up to 25 percent of their available parking spaces to a dining area.
Retail stores, salons, and other businesses are also set to reopen their doors today. Trails & Tides, Dean’s, Anderson’s Bookshop, Artistic Creations Salon, and more will welcome in-store shoppers with limited occupancy and mask requirements. Fitting rooms need to be disinfected after each use or remain closed.
Local COVID-19 Stats
The City of Naperville has reported 573 confirmed cases of COVID-19 to date, with 119 of those less than 14 days old. Edward Hospital is treating 31 inpatients with confirmed cases. Edward has had a total of 39 deaths since the pandemic began, and has discharged a total of 332 patients after treatment for the virus since March 24. DuPage County has reported 7,479 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 351 deaths. Will County reported 5,356 cases and 268 deaths.
Alden Estates & Naperville Covenant Church Car Parade
Residents at Alden Estates of Naperville had their very own car parade as nearly 85 cars decorated red, white, and blue drove by on Wednesday. Around a dozen participants were from Naperville Covenant Church, coming out to show the 50 residents and 55 staff members their love and support during the pandemic. It was also a chance for some grandkids to send some extra love to their grandparents.