A.D.O.P.T. Pet Shelter says its mailbox was broken into over the weekend, and donations to the shelter may have been taken in the incident.
In a Facebook post, the shelter detailed what happened, saying “while we are not sure exactly what was stolen, they grabbed numerous envelopes from the mailbox.”
A.D.O.P.T. suspects donations to the shelter were included in the mail that was stolen as they’ve had been hosting fundraising events recently, with the goal of raising money to renovate the outdoor kennel area.
About the Renovation Project
The existing kennel hasn’t seen any upgrades since the shelter first opened in 2003. The planned renovation cost is around $130,000.
A.D.O.P.T. was eying a spring 2022 completion date for the renovation project, as they seek to improve their ability to care for dogs housed at the shelter. Typically, they can house about 40 dogs at any given time. The new outdoor area would give them extra space for the dogs to play in to help reduce stress on the animals and provide a spot to hold dogs that need time in isolation.
Moving Forward
The shelter advises anyone who may have submitted a donation by mail to confirm that it’s been received by calling 630-355-2299 or emailing Chris Stirn at chris@adoptpetshelter.org.
The shelter says it is “taking steps to prevent this issue in the future.”
Naperville News 17’s Megann Horstead reports.
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