New Cardiovascular Center Planned for Edward Hospital

Ryan Companies' artist rendition of Edward Hospital's new cardiovascular center.
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A new 96,430-square-foot cardiovascular center could be added to the Edward Hospital campus, based on a proposal unveiled Wednesday at a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

Edward Hospital representatives have proposed razing the Naperville Medical Office Building at 10 W. Martin Ave. to accommodate the new development on the 2.31-acre property, as well as making a few other tweaks within the existing campus layout to improve traffic flow.

Existing Building Considered Obsolete

The existing medical office building, which includes some Edward Hospital practitioners, was constructed in the 1970s and has outlived its usefulness, according to a hired consultant from the hospital who presented the plans for the new development.

“We’re not only replacing an obsolete medical office building, but we’re providing better existing conditions throughout the hospital campus,” said Curt Pascoe, vice president of real estate development with Ryan Companies U.S. Inc. The firm is assisting Edward Hospital with its plans for the property.

In addition to bringing down an old structure, and building a new one, a few other modifications are proposed within the campus to improve traffic pathways on the hospital grounds.

Plans call for closing vehicular access on Washington Street and instead creating a new point of entry on Martin Avenue, which would connect to a roundabout in front of the hospital’s drop-off area and the parking deck.

Also in the works is a planned pedestrian connection from the hospital campus to the riverwalk.

A New Gateway to the Hospital Campus

The new building construction and reconfigured access point will create a new centerpiece to the hospital campus if the proposed plans take form as proposed.

“We’re here to present an opportunity to construct a new best-in-class clinic, focused on cardiovascular health,” Pascoe said. “This building will function as a new gateway to the Edward Hospital campus.”

Commissioners were supportive of the plans, as presented, and cast a unanimous vote.

“This is meant in the nicest way — I get confused every time I visit Edwards,” said commissioner Derek McDaniel. “I’m really excited to see these changes, in all honesty. I think that entrance is a much more efficient, and much less confusing way for people to navigate. This building is going to be a fantastic facelift.”

Commissioner Oriana Van Someren offered similar comments during deliberations.

“I was really happy to see this proposal come through,” Van Someren said. “I live nearby and drive by that intersection multiple times a day. I was always wondering why that building was not used to its highest and best possibilities. I think it was a well thought out plan.”

Residents Raise Concerns

While commissioners were unanimously in support of the proposal, panelists did field a few written and verbal comments from nearby residents.

Resident Jeff Dockendorff provided written comments to commissioners, taking aim at the hospital’s request for several modifications to the existing city code for the new cardiovascular center development.

“I understand someone trying to make their land more valuable, but we have zoning restrictions for a reason,” Dockendorff wrote in an email. “This is a very busy corner and not one that should have buildings put closer to the road than allowed.”

Edward Hospital also is seeking a variance from the city’s sign code for a new one at the Martin Avenue gateway point. As proposed, it will provide directions to different amenities within the hospital campus.

The Planning and Zoning Commission’s favorable recommendation advances to the city council in January for a final vote.

For Naperville News 17, Dave Fidlin reports.

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